How much are you planning to invest in your new company? If you are using personal funds, you will need to make sure they are recorded correctly. Doing this will save you a [...]
Running your own business is time consuming. As the owner, you are responsible for everything. To determine how much money you have can be as simple as looking to see what [...]
Most small business owners don’t understand two-sided accounting. They don’t know that debits have to equal credits and that assets equals liabilities plus equity. Also, [...]
You have decided that 2020 is the year you are DOING IT, you are starting your OWN BUSINESS in 2020. It’s EXCITING, isn’t it? You’re going to be your OWN [...]
Tired of going back to the car to see where you left that receipt? Now there is another reason to start using Quickbooks Online for your Small Business: Snap photos of your [...]
For Small Business owners, keeping up with the books, making sure the finances are complete and accurate isn’t the most glamorous part of building a company, but you [...]
Recording deposits and expenses is one thing, making sure your records are accurate are another. Your bank statement tells the truth; the money there should match your [...]
One of the most important bookkeeping tips for small businesses is to stay organized during the entire year so you are not scrambling come tax time. 1. Keep track of your [...]
It’s that time of the year, and small business owners everywhere are frantically putting records together and digging up receipts. Even though many of you hire tax [...]
Not saving your receipts may be a mistake. The IRS does not require receipts for less than $75.00. And even though it might seem more of an inconvenience to try to save [...]